An android application supported by the Android Operating system is developed using the android software development kit (SDK) on android studio. For developers, with many skill levels, Android is a platform that is easier to master. For application development, Android uses Java as a programming language that most developers are familiar with. In comparison with any other platform, mobile app development services can utilize Android more easily. Android devices are used by more people therefore manufacturers producing devices that support Android apps outnumber those developing to support iOS-specific apps. Android applications have the ability to run more devices than their competitors therefore Android rules the app market.
Training Benefits
As mobile app technology continues to grow and become more of a necessity, mobile app developers are in high demand because of its competitive, rewarding high salary potential and are expected to grow even bigger. Here are some of its benefits:
- It gives deep knowledge about Android Architecture.
- Android is an open-source platform and has a low entry barrier allowing businesses to develop apps easily.
- It offers a huge range of choices for every need for graphic design.
- The android platform gives developers a chance for partnership in developmental research with other platforms.
- Android provides the utmost flexible tools for easy integration of applications.
- Endless career scope.
Benefits at Urja Tech
Many companies are coming up with new techniques to impart knowledge every day through innovative ways. There are many institutes that provide Android training in Nepal and among them is Urja Tech. Some benefits of learning Android Development at Urja Tech are:
- Opportunity to learn and work in a genuine workplace environment.
- Broadening your perspective about Android Development.
- Better resources for students to learn online or offline.
- Guided assistance for project development.
- Android specialist as a teacher
- Better interaction between student and teacher.
Course Requirements
A student should have initial knowledge of Java before joining the course. As the course enrolls many activities it will help them understand the training process in a clear way.
Class Routine
Time |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
First Class |
3:30PM – 4:30PM |
3:30PM – 4:30PM |
3:30PM – 4:30PM |
3:30PM – 4:30PM |
3:30PM – 4:30PM |
3:30PM – 4:30PM |
Second Class |
4:30PM – 5:30PM |
4:30PM – 5:30PM |
4:30PM – 5:30PM |
4:30PM – 5:30PM |
4:30PM – 5:30PM |
4:30PM – 5:30PM |
Course Outline
- Introduction to java Programming
- Basic syntax
- Objects and classes (OOP Concept)
- Inheritance in detail
- Data types
- Variable Types
- Operators
- Loop Control
- Decision Making
- Arrays
- Date & Time
- Regular Expression
- Methods
- File and I/O
- Exception Handling
- Packages and interfaces
- Polymorphysm.
- Introduction to Android, Android version and APIs
- Android Architecture and Virtual Machine
- Environmental Setup: IDE, SDK, JDK, AVD & Device Preference for
- Dalvik Virtual Machine and .apk file extension
- Basic Building Blocks – Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers & Content
- UI Components – Views and Notifications
- Components for communication – Intents and Intent Filters
- Android API levels (versions & version names)
- AndroidManifest.xml
- Uses-permission and uses-sdk
- Activity/services/receiver declarations
- build.gradle
- adding libraries and dependencies
- Resources and R.java
- Assets
- Values – strings.xml
- Layouts and Drawable Resources
Note: After this we will make our First Sample Application and deploy it on a real device.
- Explicit Intents
- Implicit Intents
- Launching emulator
- Editing emulator settings
- Emulator shortcuts
- Logcat usage
- Form Widgets
- Text Fields
- Layouts : Relative, Table, Frame, Linear
- Nested Layouts
- [ dp, sp] versus px
- Examples
- SharedPreferences
- Preferences from XML
- Option menu, Context menu, sub menu
- Menu from XML & via code
- Examples
- Styles.xml and colors.xml
- Drawable resources for shapes, gradients (Shapes)
- State drawable – touch and selection effects (Selectors)
- Ripple Effects
- 9 Patch drawable
- Style attribute in layout file
- Applying themes via code and manifest file
- Examples
- Time and Date
- Images and media
- Adding Video to Application
- Composite
- Alert Dialogs & Toast
- Popup
- Action bar Tabs and Custom Views on Action Bars
- Toolbars
- Material Design; Material Colours and Patterns
- CardView
- Floating Buttons
- Snackbars
- Simple Form design using TextInputLayout
- Examples
- Tabs and Tab Activity Details with Examples
- Concept on Database
- Content providers : defining and using; example of sharing database among
two different apps using content providers
- Reading and Updating Contacts
- Reading bookmarks
- Adapters : Array Adapters and Base Adapters
- Example – Efficient Adapter
- Simple ListView and Custom ListView
- GridView using adapters
- RecyclerView Implementation
- Examples
- Broadcast Receivers
- Services and notifications
- Toast
- Alarms
- Examples
- Custom Toast
- Custom dialogs
- Custom Tabs and animated popup panels
- Other components
- Examples
- Threads running on UI thread (runOnUiThread)
- Worker thread
- Handlers and Runnable
- AsyncTask (in detail)
- Examples
- Fragments setup – Simple Fragment and Multiple Fragment with Page Adapter
- Communication between Fragments
- Dialog Fragment
- Indicator for Multiple Fragment – Title, Circle and Tab ViewPager Indicator and
Line page Indicator
- Navigation Drawer
- Intro to Web Service and REST API
- Request and Responses
- Request – GET and POST Method
- Response – Status Code and Response Data Type (text, html, json, xml,
image, video)
- Writing simple http request
- AsyncTask Implementation
- Add permission for internet and network access
- XML Structure and Parsing
- JSON Structure and parsing
- Using SD Cards – Reading and Writing
- GPS – Location based Services
- Accessing Phone Services (Call, SMS, MMS)
- Network connectivity services
- Sensors and camera
- Using WIFI and Bluetooth
- Other Sensors (Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Compass, G-sensors)
- Including external libraries in our application
- Project Folder
- Gradle implementation
- Image Loading Library Implementation (Picasso/Glide)
- Firebase Implementations
- Push Messaging
- Analytics, Crashlytics, Authentication
- Use Case Diagrams and ER Diagrams for the Project
- Application Testing Methods and tabling test cases
- Individual Project development with the new ideas and creativity
- Discussion on project and its scope
- You will learn how to deploy your own app to Google Play Store after
completion of your project.